This tour has been a tour of fun and miracles! The Lord has blessed us with many wonderful blessings and memories to treasure, and since many of you have and are praying for us we want to keep you engaged in what is happening. And we thought the best way to do that is through pictures and stories :)
:: we spent a day in Edmonton mall... watching some crazy roller coasters :) ::
:: beautiful scenery ::
:: :) ::
:: taking the opportunity to wash the buses ::
:: i think you call this "de-stressing" ::
:: we had 2 days in La Crete, one without a service, so we enjoyed some games ::
:: a ticket to ride ::
:: laundry time! ::
:: our little caravan ::
:: we love them <3 ::
:: when this happens we have an opportunity to build character and decide it would be a good time to clean the fridge :) ::
:: we are blessed with some wonderful sound men that know what to do with all that! ::
:: we stopped at a historic park along the way and found this adorable little creature ::
:: let the rocks keep silent while we praise! ::
:: but we believe. yes, we believe! ::
:: when all the equipment has been loaded and our farewells said, we sometimes get hungry. this particular night it was around 11:30 p.m. and the only part of the restaurant that was open was the drive through. driving a bus in a drive through would not work so well, so we walked :) ::

:: the Millers we in Banff area for a few days this week so we had 3 prison services without them. Yesterday after the service the inmates gave us a box with cookies and a card that they all signed. It is such a treasure! Each prison service this week has been outstandding and unique, at the women's prison in Edmonton we were so welcomed by the staff and chaplain. Some of these women have come to chapel when we were there for the past 3 years, Tyrell and Lonita could come into this one and the women were very touched by them singing. The next day we were in Innisfail prison, a first time for us. 77 men came to chapel and it was a real blessed service, many prayed to receive Christ, others rededicated their lives. Even after the services one after the other came and asked for prayer personally. We were so touched by the man who came and asked us to pray for healing for the man who's back this man broke, that man is paralyzed, and he would so love to see him healed, he was so sorry for getting into a fight and causing so much damage. Again and again we realize how much regrets these men have. Another older man who could not walk without a walker anymore came and asked us to pray for him. He has a brain tumor and its taking away his ability to walk, also fighting with a lot of seizures, this brought back a lot of memories of Lenora and our hearts went out to him. we couldn't help but think, "what would it be like to go through this in prison?" he will be released in November, please pray for Jerry.