Due to the amount of updates we have been posting I think you have guessed we have been up to something! since we last posted we have packed up our entire house and put everything into either the bus or garage and got the bus ready for tour. Before that though, Mom went to Arborg for 4 days for her niece's funeral. (we posted about Lenora's fundraiser a couple weeks ago... she met her King face to face on July 7.) Prayers for the family would be coveted! Thank you all so much for the many prayers that have gone up for everyone who is close to Lenora's heart...they were very much appreciated! As far as what we are up to now is leaving on tour again. We thoroughly enjoyed having the Miller family at our home for the past few days. They have helped us pack and clean and move things out far beyond we could have expected! Thank you! following will be a few pictures of our time with them. (and the work that was accomplished :) )

:: enjoying Stratford with the lovely Deborah ::
:: the manly men moving furniture ::
Tomorrow we celebrate Mom's birthday and on Thursday we celebrate Julia's! we are making our way to Mexico so your prayers would be wonderful! quite often we have people ask us if there's anything specific to pray for...
safety, both physically and spiritually
good, clear voices
Thank you for thinking of us and praying!